Find a Winner! The InsightsNow Playoff Tournament™ Approach

thought leadership
PlayOFF Tournament Market Research

Find a Winner! The InsightsNow Playoff Tournament™ Approach

Are you trying to decide between multiple options to determine the most likely to bring success? Trying to hone product line optimization with competitive context?

InsightsNow’s Playoff Tournament™ is an insightful way to select ideas with the greatest business potential​. It is an effective research approach to use when you need to hone in on the concepts, names or products that will resonate with consumers and impact behavior. Playoff Tournament lets ideas compete with one another to “win” consumer appeal.

This approach is unique because the winning decisions are made based on a combination of multiple behavioral metrics—rather than a single choice or rating as in conjoint or max-diff approaches. Rapid screening identifies top ideas and assesses product combinations that are the best fit with the behaviors you are targeting. With Playoff Tournament, each participant’s favorite product varieties are pitted against preferred in-market products, providing an actionable measure for how well the potential new product line moves the dial of purchase behavior within a category.

How the Playoff Tournament™ Approach Works

  1. Ideas and/or products are grouped into relevant sets
  2. The consumer picks a winner and a loser, or favorite existing and new test varieties, in each set
  3. Winners are ranked, or favorites pitted against in-market considerations
  4. Ratings are given for key metrics (i.e. uniqueness, frequency, replacement)
  5. Deep dive questions for the winners

Get to the answers you need, now   

When you need a quick, cost efficient way to see which of your ideas have the potential to grow your business. InsightsNow’s Playoff Tournament:

  • Leverages multiple behavioral assessments in a single survey (choice, rating, ranking, use moments, emotions), for the most holistic index available
  • Provides an index score for every idea or product—giving a clear ranking of all ideas
  • Allows you to customize your index to the measures most valuable for the category
  • Identifies top tier ideas through statistical testing
  • Factors in response time for choices to understand emotional impact
  • Includes custom deep dive questions to gain additional marketing knowledge for improving of targeting and messaging​